Many Mac Users are very eager to start a blog with very little hassle.
There are a few hurdles for most people to start their blogs;
- Technical hurdles in setting up a website
- Installing a blogging platform such as WordPress
- Designing your website and learning HTML/CSS
- Making sure that your blog does not get hacked
If you’re looking to start a blog, this article is for you if;
- You don’t want to bother with technical skills or coding
- You want to have your own design (or pick a nice existing design)
- You don’t want to worry about your blog getting hacked!
WordPress is the common recommendation for blogging because it is extremely robust, You can do a lot with it.
But if you don’t know HTML/CSS/Javascript you will not be able to create your own, fully customized design.
It also takes some technical skills to set up and requires constant ongoing maintenance including; updating WordPress, updating plugins, updating themes and preventing hacking. WordPress sites get hacked all the time!
So what’s the best option to blogging on the Mac that covers all the criteria discussed above?
EverWeb, is by far the easiest blogging tool that gives you control over your website design, does not require ANY technical skills, coding or even setting up a web host.
With EverWeb you can simply sign up to one of the EverWeb + Hosting plans and you’re ready to go.
You use EverWeb like any other software you download on your Mac such as Apple Pages, Mail, Keynote or any other app you have on your computer. Double click it and you’re ready to go.
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